But that all ended on Saturday morning while I was in the shower. Elder Tolotti knocked on the door shouting "it's President!" I got out of the shower to talk to him. I don't remember exactly, but he said something along the lines of, "I know you want to stay in your area, but unfortunately that's just not going to happen." I remember him citing that hymn "I'll go where you want me to go" or whatever it's called. He told me to get my bags packed because the following day he would be passing by the house to pick me up to bring me to my new area, where I would be serving as the Financial Secretary of the mission. Granted, I was a little surprised.
"Me? A music major? Financial Secretary? Are you serious?"
But, as promised, on Sunday afternoon after church he passed by and he and I drove back to his house where I sat around and hung out with him and Sister Frei until the current Secretaries could pass by to pick me up.
So, I'm back in the center of Belo Horizonte, living in the Staff House- the very same house that I spent the last 4 1/2 months of my mission in, only this time I'm here as the Financial Secretary in training. We're in a trio now (Elder Anderson, the current FS, Elder Rodrigo, the Executive Secretary, and me), and will stay until the end of next transfer (six weeks). In about three weeks Elder Anderson will officially sign the mission over to me, and he will no longer be in charge- but will stick around for a while just to make sure the transition goes smoothly.
Here are some perks to the job:
- My office is next door to President's; I see and work with him every day
- I'm in the center of Belo Horizonte
- Learning stuff that will be beneficial in the future
- Christmas here with President and the Staff will be infinitely better than if I was anywhere else in the mission (last year they had T-Bone steaks. I don't even think those exist here)
- I have a sweet flip phone and no more "80 Minutes a month business"
- I get mail the day it shows up at the office and don't have to wait for large group meetings to get letters
- Our area is doing very well at the moment; I came at a good time
And some downsides:
- My PDay is now on Thursday, unlike everyone else in the mission whose PDay is Wednesday
- The secretaries haven't had a real, full PDay in 7 weeks. Something always happens that needs to be tended to. Even today, my first PDay, I spent here in the office (that's why it took me so long to finish this email, I've been running all over the place getting stuff ready for transfers next week and writing when I have a chance)
- The Financial Secretary usually stays in the office for six to eight months, but since there will be a change of mission presidents in July, it's very possible that I'll be here for a long, long time
- Dealing with the Lord's money is scary business.
So that's the news. It's pretty good, I think. I was really sad to leave my awesome companion and awesome area, but it's okay. It's going to be cool working here.
The picture is of Elder Rodrigo and I at the Hard Rock Cafe. We went there this morning before everything in the office got all hectic and we had to work. It was probably the trunkiest thing I've done on the mission so far. There was a band setting up and practicing for a show that's going to happen there tonight.
I wrote this all very hurriedly, I hope it's comprehendable.
Elder Sisco