Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July 1, 2008 BIG NEWS!!

This has been a very, very trunky week. Elder Franklin is going home tomorrow. A lot of our Weekly Planning Session was him drawing a very detailed picture of him in an airplane in his planner. Don't get me wrong, it was a good planning session. It just made me sad, and wanting to see my family, and everyone at home. But I should snap out of that pretty quickly.
I'm a District Leader! I found out last night, I'm going to turn both Senior and DL in this next transfer on Wednesday. The DL of two sisters, even. They say this is the transfer when you learn/grow the most (turning senior).
Last P Day we went bowling with a bunch of Elders from our zone. It was very weird- very American. I bowled a 132. And to top it off, we ate at Pizza Hut afterwards.
On Sunday in sacrament meeting I confirmed one of the two boys that we baptized a week ago. I was pretty nervous about it since it was only the second confirmation I'd ever done- and this time it was in front of a bunch of people- and because President Frei was there. But it went well. It was short and simple, but I pulled it off.
Our ward is having some difficulties. It's actually a problem in all of Brazil, but it's loud and clear here in our ward: discrimination. If anyone remembers me saying that in Paraguay there is no middle class- just very poor and very rich people- it's the exact same thing here. And we mostly baptize very humble people, because it's extremely difficult to get to even talk with the wealthy here. But our ward consists of mostly people who are very well off. So things get difficult when you have 22 investigators (between the sisters and us) in church, all from very humble, poor circumstances, and the members act as if they're above these people and even have the nerve to complain about the people we're baptizing. Do you think our investigators are going to want to come back? Absolutely not. It's an ongoing war.; keep us in your prayers.
'Til next week,
Elder Sisco

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