We just got back from bowling at the Del Rey Shopping Mall.
It's Elder McArthur's birthday so we all went there to celebrate. I celebrated by beating him 133 to 128, bowling three strikes in a row in the last frame to take the lead and win it. I felt kind of bad because it's his birthday, but... three clutch strikes in a row on the last frame is pretty sweet. He seemed okay about it. Tonight we will have cake and ice cream at President's house.
Yesterday President let us eat lunch with all of the zone leaders who came to Belo Horizonte for the monthly Zone Leader's Council. That was fun because I got to see Elder Markowski, my companion from the MTC. He just turned Zone Leader this transfer. After that we all played soccer on the court that they have at President's house. So it was almost like 1 1/2 Pdays this week.
To top it all off, Gilvano is having his baptismal interview tonight, and if everything goes right he'll be baptized this Sunday along with Andreia. But keep those prayers a comin' cause they haven't gotten in the water yet.
I can't remember if I explained the Gilvano situation last week, so I'll summarize it really quick: he's the fiancé of an inactive member. Elder Anderson (the Financial Secretary before me) baptized her son and kind of reactivated her, but when I got her she was inactive again. Two weeks ago, she and her fiancé showed up at church telling us she had decided to come back. When we went to visit them that night, he was excited about the church- he said he knew it was the only thing that could make his family united and happy. So we marked a date for this Sunday and he gladly accepted.
On Sunday night my trainee will get here. His name is Elder Montgomery, and he just barely made a year in the mission. I forget where he's from... I think Arizona. Apparently he's a pretty bright guy- I don't really know him that well, but I think it'll be fun.
The pictures I've attached are the Staff (Elder Rodrigo, Elder Do Nascimento, Elder McArthur, Elder Sisco) with Sister Frei and the flowers we bought her for her birthday a few weeks ago, and me at the chapel/house that serves as our meeting place.
Elder Sisco
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