Thursday, January 1, 2009

It is a new year!
Last night the fireworks at midnight woke us all up, so we gathered at the giant window at the front of our apartment to watch them all go off. It was cool because since we live so high up we could see the fireworks going off all over the city. Some so far away that they were just little silent explosions in the distance. Very cool.
We passed by President's house last night for cake, because it was Elder Kent's (the new assistant) birthday. We stayed and talked to his two sons and one of their wives for a bit, which was fun.
Our golden investigator and her mom are no longer golden. They stopped keeping the committments, and never even went to church. Tomorrow we're going to go there to get the Book of Mormon and other stuff that we loaned to them back. I'm a little sad, but have some other really good prospects.
The other day we were at a lady's house in the middle of a lesson when the doorbell rang. She went to see who it was, and when she opened it it was this homeless guy, and he said "Pedro died." And she said, "excuse me?" and he repeated, "Pedro died. Is Junior here?" (Junior is her husband) She said he was sleeping and that he couldn't attend the homeless man.
We decided we'd better find out what happened to Pedro, so we went out and walked down the steps of her apartment to the street with her and her son and the homeless guy, and sure enough, there lying on the sidewalk was Pedro, with three other homeless guys just sitting there next to his body looking around. Elder Rodrigo went over to see if he had a pulse, and he didn't. Then he called 192 (9-1-1) and within minutes an ambulance showed up.
A bunch of EMTs jumped out and started trying things to revive him, but the guys who were sitting down on the sidewalk said he had been dead for more than half an hour, so they didn't make much progress. Apparently Pedro drank so much that day that he just laid down and died afterwards. It was sad.
The other day we went over to a member's house and painted her living room. The walls were all peeling paint and stuff, so we were like "this needs to be scraped and sanded and stuff" but she just wanted us to slap the paint over it. So that's what we did. It didn't turn out that bad, but I imagine she'll be needing us to do it again pretty soon.
'Til next week,
Elder Sisco

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