Thursday, January 8, 2009

On Saturday I did a division with Elder McArthur, one of the assistants from Rexburg, ID. That was a blast, and he had already passed in our area at the beginning of his mission so he knew where stuff was better than I did.
We found a family to teach, and they were very receptive. The lady even said that she had been looking for a church for them to go to. And they live right by the church, so it's perfect. They went with us to church on Sunday, and they both loved it. Even their four year old son loved primary. I went back with Elder Rodrigo on Sunday night with one of the members of the ward and we taught them an awesome first lesson, and invited them to be baptized on the 18th and they were really excited about it. Then we ended and prayed and as we were leaving Elder Rodrigo asked her, "by the way, how long have you guys been married?" And she was like, "we're not married, we're just 'together.'"
So that was unfortunate. We talked to the Bishop and he said that maybe we could work something out, but in Brazil the process of marrying someone is very drawn out. They make it very difficult for some reason. That's one of the reasons why a lot of people aren't married legally.
Last night we went to a family home evening at the Bishop's house. We were supposed to bring investigators but none of ours could go. The other two missionaries in our ward were also supposed to bring investigators but none of theirs could go either. So it ended up being just the Bishop's family and the missionaries playing games at his house. It was really fun, but not very productive as far as missionary work goes. At least we got to know the Bishop a little bit better.
-Elder Sisco

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