Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We had 3 baptisms for this week - 2 from Paraopeba and 1 from Sete Lagoas - but it's not looking good for them. One is an elderly lady and her daughter, and this week her grandson went and said a bunch of trash about the church and talked her out of being baptized. We're going there on Friday to talk to her. The other one is this kid who has been to church a bunch of times. He is 18, and is friends with a ton of members from our ward. He's a sure baptism, we're just having trouble getting in contact with him this week for him to be interviewed and prepared by Sunday. His name is Junior.
This transfer it's looking like our only baptism is going to be Wilson, who we baptized on the first Sunday of the transfer.
Speaking of transfers, we will go to Belo Horizonte next Wednesday. I don't know if I will stay or go, but imagine that I'll stay since my companion was already here one transfer when I got here, and we've been together for two. Usually missionaries don't stay longer than 3. We'll know on Monday night.
Today was our zone pday. We went hiking up a big mountain that is here in Sete Lagoas. We hiked up one side and down the other and at the bottom there was a little pond with a playground and a beach volleyball court, so we spent most of the day playing volleyball, which is always fun. Not as fun as soccer, but fun. I'm exhausted, just like every Pday. We never get to rest here, there's always something going on.
Tomorrow we will go to Belo Horizonte to have a mini-Zone Conference with President and Sister Parrella, our new Mission President. President and Sister Frei fly home today, and the Parrella's arrive at the same time.
We're working a bunch in Paraopeba. On a division with one of the Zone Leaders we found a family of 11 people (the youngest girl is 9) that were interested in the church. On Sunday, 5 of them went. Elder Martinez and I showed up at their house yesterday and they gave back the Book of Mormon and said they didn't want to hear the messages anymore, but didn't say why. I think it has to do with having to give up coffee. We're going to go back on Friday to see if we can save them. They love us, it just appears that they love coffee more, and didn't completely understand the things we taught.
On Monday I went to Paraopeba with Elder Leme, one of the zone leaders, and we went to visit a family that we're teaching there and only the sons were home and they hid from us. Their neighbor, some little kid, who was visiting came out and told us that no one was home, but he was obviously lying. We gave him 2 Halls and told him to suck on them. Then we gave him a glass of water and told him to drink it all. He didn't finish the cup of water, he spit it out because of the burning.
We went into the house and the sons were on the couch watching a soccer game and drinking beer. We reprimanded them, and left, but they told us to come back later in the afternoon for a Churrasco (like, a barbeque, but better). We went. We decided that they're not interested in the church, but are only interested in having our friendship. It seems like everyone in Paraopeba is falling.
I guess I don't have much else to say. I love you guys and miss you.
-Elder Sisco

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