Monday, May 26, 2008

Friday May 23rd, 2008

I lost a big email that I just wrote, so now I'm upset, because I have to write more. In short, what I just wrote was: today I went to Pizza Hut with President and the APs and one of the secretaries for the last P-day of the transfer. President was in our ward on Sunday and it was scary- he sat next to me in priesthood. Unfortunately, he's going to be there again this coming Sunday, and we have to do a special musical number. The sisters and I are going to sing This is the Christ while my comp plays piano. I don't know why they asked us to do that, none of us sing very well. I'm sorry that President has to be there for that. I'm getting anxious about transfers. I don't know if my area is going to close or stay open. If it stays open, we're going to have a lot of baptisms this coming transfer. If it closes, it'll become part of the sisters' area and they're going to have lots of baptisms. It stinks that everyone in the house knows where I'm going except me. And they like to let me know that they know. I do love living in that house though, I'll be sad if I get transfered. I even got to go running this morning for the first time ever in my mission. It felt so good. We went up to this park near our house that was way neat and did a couple laps there.
Oh, I need to add something to the list of things that I need in the package that I hope you'll be sending me. You'd better send it soon or the list is just gonna keep getting bigger. But yeah, I need some cool gym/basketball shorts. They don't have them in Brazil, and all the Brazilians want them. I traded the only pair of lame Nike shorts I had for this sweet soccer jersey. But now I don't have any more shorts to do exercises in. So, if you could throw some shorts in there for me that'd be sweet. Yep, so transfers are next week. I don't know what's going to happen. I dunno what else to write to you guys, sorry. That's basically all that I've been thinking about lately. I can't really think about what else we've done that's interesting lately. We just work... and preach and stuff. And that's fun. This picture is from today, of us in front of Pizza Hut.

Love you all,
Elder Sisco

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