Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

Transfers are tomorrow, but I already know who my companion is and basically everything because I spent all day in the office yesterday while my companion helped out the executive secretary. I did random errands. It was boring. But it's cool to know almost everything that's going to happen before everyone else does. My next companion is leaving after this transfer- again. I'm "killing" another missionary. Two in a row- I think that might be rare. I'm so glad our area is staying open though- I was afraid it was going to get shut down. But we have a lot of good prospects. One of them is named Janice, and 6 weeks ago one of the sisters did a contact with her in the street and marked a baptismal date with her, but nothing really happened. Then 4 weeks later she was sleeping on her couch and she died. Her hands turned black and she wasn't breathing. Her husband tried to wake her up but she didn't respond. She had actually gone to the spirit world where, as she describes it, everyone is dressed in white and they're "all equal there" (I thought that was the most interesting thing that she said about it, for some reason) and it was the most beautiful place she had ever been, but before she could enjoy it anymore a very tall, beautiful man with long hair and a beard dressed in a white tunic came up to her and told her that it wasn't her time to go yet, and that she had to return, and then she woke up on her couch and was fine. A few days later I did a contact with her in the street and invited her to learn more about the Book of Mormon. She called the number and on Saturday we got her address and delivered it and gave the first lesson and she was way excited about it and went to church on Sunday and loved it and already has a testimony and is bringing her whole family next Sunday. She told us all about the dream/death thing on Sunday, and it was soooo coool. I'm excited. She'll be baptized very soon I hope.
Last night I went out with the assistants to work in their area, because my comp was still working in the office, and we only had time to teach one lesson but it was with these 3 old women who just talked and talked and talked and the 2 APs could barely get a word in, so of course I just sat there and said nothing. But at one point, she asked about the word of wisdom and she was like "well, what do you drink instead of coffee?" and I was like "mango juice is good" and that was all I said the whole lesson. Then at the end she was like "and this one" pointing to me "is he an American too? Wow, but he's speaking Portuguese really well!" They made fun of me the whole rest of the night: "You must've said that perfectly, without a hint of an accent!" Anyway, I thought it was funny.
Well that's pretty much it. Hopefully I'll get to write to you tomorrow- and read the emails that I hope you all send me.
Love you all,
Elder Sisco

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